Hi-Res Graphics Board for CBM 8032

Hi-Res Graphics Board for CBM 8032

Since the “office machines” of the CBM and CBM-II series were only text-capable, certain areas of application were closed to them. To remedy this situation, Commodore (and third-party manufacturers) released graphics expansion cards/modules for these computers. The Commodore variant was available in two versions, one for the CBM/PET series and one for the CBM-II series. The functionality was roughly the same, but the connection to the “host computer” was different.

In both cases, a separate microprocessor takes over the drawing work. A separate character generator is also integrated, which can be used for labels in 225 scales in both horizontal and vertical directions. The resolution is 512 x 512 dots in black/white. To display the graphics, either a separate monitor is used, or the integrated monitor of the high profile computer models (after a little modification work).
